Monday, September 2, 2013

The NightCrawler, Slark.

Assalamualaikum and hello again, mates!

I thought I couldn't post anything today 'cause I'm too freaking tired and all.... but here I am. Posting more Dota 2 guide for y'all gamers out there!

Here's a little bit of MY guide to the 'fishy' hero, the NightCrawlerSlark!

This little 'fish' ain't my favorite but I use him occasionally. Whenever there's a lot of tanks on the team, I'll just go on and click on this sly Australian fish! That is if the other team is not taking him....  -_-"

Let's get it on! Sorry S2! Was very tempted to do that  :|

Before starting the game, take these items with you; a Boots of Speed, an Ancient Tango of Essifation, and a Clarity potion.

Just PLAY SAFE in the early game. That's what important. Harass your enemy a little bit, whenever you have the chance. Get some golds and EXP with perfect last hits on the Creeps and by level 3, you should have level 2 on the Pounce and level 1 on Essence Shift

Level 3 is always the important time to strike a kill on your foes. Harass a little more and when you're ready, just go in for the kill already! Remember, PLAY SAFE. Don't get yourself killed especially when you're taking the middle lane. 


Okay. Upgrade you Boots into Power Threads. Now hunt, gank, or do anything you can with the combo Pounce + Dark Pact + Hit(while increasing your Essence) for some kills and DON'T STOP HUNTING. Your Essence is very reliable and very important. More Essence makes you soooo damn OP that somehow, you can't be killed. With necessary skills, that is...

Power Threads

After finishing your Power Thread, farm and kill more Creeps and heroes, buy a few components of this next item and complete this bad boys' toy!

The Eye of Skadi

Hell yeah, mates! That's right. That's how I play this hero. Complete the Power Thread and after that, The Eye of Skadi. Every time I do this, a lot of players said it was crazy and some of my friends don't believe me when I told them to go straight away for this thing. But as far as I'm concerned, I ownd ALMOST every game I played using Slark, with this kind of build.

Keep on slashing on those noobs, mates! Let them run in fear when Slark is here!

Next up, this item is a considered as a MUST for almost any carry in the game. The Skull Basher!

Just now you were packing a few Glocks but now... you're packing some AK47!

Trust me. You can easily kill the enemy heroes once you get only these 3 items. So, that's all the items that you MUST have for this fishy and for the other 3 slots, just farm up enough money and buy these items. 

A freakin' Butterfly, Heart of Tarrasque, and a piece of Sange and Yasha.

I promised for the Skill Build, right mates?

Well, here you go!

That's all I have for Slark item and skill build, mates! And again : 
*Each little box indicates 1 box, 1 level increase
*The U's indicates Ultimate and the A's indicates Bonus Attributes

Thanks again for stopping by to MY guide on the NightCrawler, Slark!

See you again in the next post!

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