Sunday, September 1, 2013

My Top 10 Sidekicks in Gaming.

Peace be upon you, mates!

I've been playing so many video games since I was a little kid. If I remember it well, the very first I've ever played was - of course - the classic Mario game. duhhhh.....

Until today, I've had a lot of gaming experience, played a lot of games and at the same time, gradually, being a computer geek. I think all of us, gamers, are like that eh?? I'm pretty sure much of you readers here are a bunch of gamers.

Let's get to the point. Here are a list of MY Top 10 Sidekicks in Gaming.

10. Leonardo Da Vinci (Assassins Creed II)

Let's face it. Leonardo helped Ezio A LOT of times in the Assassins Creed II series. Since the starting point when they 1st met each other, Leonardo was only known as a painter. But not just any simple painter, a great one. Just like the history book says. Leonardo aided Ezio throughout all of his adventure to fulfill his vengeance for his father and brother while taking out the Templar masters. Leonardo was the one who remodeled the Hidden Blade blueprint from Altair and saving Ezios' ring finger. He even created the Crossbow for Ezio to kill his enemies at long distance, SILENTLY. And that is why Leonardo Da Vinci gets on this list, mates!

9. Cortana (Halo Series)

Oh come on.... Don't tell me you guys don't love her, eh? If not for the hot body, even for an AI, she is one of the most companion/sidekick I'd prefer to be with. I kinda think that the relationship between her and Master Chief is pretty 'interesting'.. Although she's just another AI that could be built again by Dr. Halsey, it was a bummer seeing her on the verge of destruction in Halo 4. Systems going haywire, talking about some bullshits that I don't understand a bit, damn that ain't at that time for Master Chief. I don't know about the news so far but let's just wish that it's not the end for the recent Cortana rather introducing a NEW Cortana in the next installation. Hell, I just like the story line of the game and Cortana made a GREAT job aiding Master Chief during their journey.

8. Agro (Shadow of The Colossus)

What? You think a horse can't be on this list? Well he deserves it! In the game, you need this guy in almost the ENTIRE game. Location between one Colossus to another ain't close, mate.... Even sometimes, you feel kinda sleepy just to get to the BIG F!@#$%^ ROCKS walking around in their temple. Agro is nonetheless, very loyal to his master, goes by the name Wander if I'm not mistaken. Together they travel to kill each and every one of the 16 colossi with only a shiny sword, and bow&arrows. Wander went through all the trouble only to revive a girl, Mono. But still, as loyal as he is, Agro sticks in the list but can't beat another horse in this list.

7. Rush (Megaman Series)

Don't tell me you don't know who this half dog, half robot is... This loyal companion of Mega Man had been tagging along to defeat a lot of bosses in this franchise. In the beginning of the Mega Man series, Rush wasn't in it. The first appearance of this sly robot dog was in Mega Man 3. Here's the cool thing about Rush, he could transform into a submarine and even a freakin hoverboard! Since then, he appeared in most of Mega Man series. He then could transform into Rush Coil and Rush Jet in the series starting from Mega Man 3, Mega Man 4, Mega Man 5 (Rush Coil being modified into the New Rush Coild), Mega Man 7, Mega Man 9, Mega Man 10, Mega Man II to Mega Man V, and Mega Man : The Wily Wars. 'Nuff said!

6. Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite)

Just looking at her face gives the goosebumps.... She is both beautiful and scary at the same time. Don't look think of me as weirdo or anything, sometimes I just wish that this pretty, innocent little girl really does exist ya' know. But don't be deceived by her beautiful looks, she is stronger beyond your imagination IF she's angry! Even the false shepherd A.K.A her father (in a way), Booker, fears her powers. Put all of that away, she's very helpful as a sidekick throughout the whole game. In recent news, there's a new DLC "Burial At Sea" features Elizabeth wearing a new dress, of course she still looks hot as hell, in RAPTURE. You read it right, mates! We're Back In RAPTURE. I haven't played the DLC, yet. But I will get a hold of it later. And of course she's ain't some pretty little girl who is useless like other beautiful female sidekicks are!

5. Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect Series)

Who doesn't love this badass Turian?? A good friend of Shepard, a freakin sharpshooter goes by the nickname, Archangel, is preferred to be one of the most chilled out sidekick of all. Keeping his cool all the time, with the scars on his face, Garrus goes to war alongside Shepard and few others boarding the Normandy kills his target with precision at its max! With the right guns and the right skills, Garrus could be very reliable in gunfights throughout the entire game. The story between Garrus and Shepard was also interesting because they're both are from different species but still, they are best friend in their rise and fall! Anywhere Shepard goes, Garrus will always be there to cover his back.

4. Epona (The Legend of Zelda)

I told you there was gonna be another horse in this list, didn't I? I present to you, Epona! Although the name sounds kinda weird, but she shares the same name with the Celtic Goddess of Horses and she's also an icon to all the Legend of Zelda fans. Epona serves as Links' steed in the series. She made her debut in the game "The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time" as a mean of transportion for Link. In the game, she is often found in the ranch NPC, Malon. You could also her younger form in the game "The Legend of Zelda : Majora's Mask". She's on number 4 because..... Just look at her! Ain't she pretty? She's pretty as F@#$ if you ask me...  :|

3. Dominic Santiago

DOM! This toughed up soldier had been tagging along with Marcus since.... forever I guess. They're both are what we call longtime comrade. Since the day that Dom lost his family, his wife, they became much closer to each other. More like brothers, that is.... :|   Dom and Marcus got each others' backs, in the Delta Squad, during the war against the Locust Horde. The sad thing about Dom is that he lost both of his children, his wife imprisoned by the Locust but when he finally found her, she was already dying. In the 3rd game, Dom made his final appearance as a great comrade in the Delta Squad, he sacrificed himself by driving a large truck into a fuel pipe. The explosion destroyed all hostile forces and allowed the rest of the Delta Squad to escape and regroup with Braid and Cole. It was kinda sad when he did that. Oh the feels  :|

This next two top sidekicks for me, is considered as a 'legend'. Why? Because I liked to play as these two when I was a kid!

Number 2!

2. Tails (Sonic The Hedgehog Series)

Be it in the game or in the cartoons, Tails was always my favorite. Not because he's adorable - in a way - , he's always look casual almost all the time. Don't forget about his clumsiness too, mates. he gets pretty clumsy whenever he's nervous or if he did something that is not meant to be. What's interesting about him is that HE COULD FLY WITH ONLY HIS TAIL. Helping his friends getting out of the battle, going through obstacles and other stuff wouldn't be much of a problem to him. I guess.... Thats my number 2 on the list, the cute little 'fox', TAILS.

Last but not least, my number 1 sidekick of all time :

1. Luigi (Mario Bros)

I think you guys would've known it already, right? Face it. Who doesn't like Mario and Luigi? Pffftttt..... Luigi is the top sidekick becauseeeee..... DUHHHHH. He's been with Mario for over than 25 years now, mates! Luigi made his first appearance in the 1983 arcade pipe adventure "Mario Bros" as player 2 along with Mario as player 1. Ever since, Luigi's been together with Mario throughout all of their adventure. They even have 2 antagonist characters that looks almost the same as them and the name is also ALMOST the same. It's Wario and Waluigi. Most of all, Luigi deserves to be on my number 1 top sidekicks in gaming.

That's all for TODAY, mates! Thanks for spending time to read my Top 10 SideKicks in Gaming.

We'll meet again in the next post tomorrow! Or maybe the next day.....  :|

Thanks a bunch!

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